LIE Reports are required by the Banks and Financial Institutions to have an update on the project development and utilization of funds in the same project which is financed by the Banks and financial institutions.
The foremost priority of the an Independent Engineer is to safeguard the interest of the lenders and to ensure that the risk of lenders is minimized. Misused funds can create a huge gaping void in both the funding organization as well as the project completion status. Lenders Independent Engineer's report is issued by an independent engineer who understands the developmental and operational aspect of engineering projects and how they function.
Engineers at Jawa Capital who have expert knowledge over different domains, assist and consult the Banks and financial Institutions with the project details that are technical.
LE is required to visit the project site at regular intervals and to provide a complete assessment of project and to appraise the lending institutions about following:
Physical progress of the project activities
Estimated expenditure towards the project against observed progress
To judge and report the quantum of finance actually being contributed and used on the project, so that the misuse of funds can be avoided
To verify whether the borrower's obligations under project related licensing agreements are complied with.
To review & comment on various Statutory Approvals and Clearances.
To verify whether physical progress is in line with project implementation schedule and forecasted project timelines.
To review the drawdown schedule for the planned project activity.