FVCIs (Foreign Venture Currency Investors) may acquire by purchase or otherwise or sell shares/convertible debentures/units or any other investment held by it in the VCUs or VCFs or schemes/funds set up by the VCFs at a price that is mutually acceptable to the buyer and the seller/issuer. A price which is mutually acceptable to a buyer and a seller is ultimately the basis of a sound valuation. Such valuations are usually backed by a formal valuation analysis of the two parties.
The valuation function may be carried out by the Alternative Investment Fund Manager (AIFM) itself, or it may appoint an external valuation agent. Where an external valuer is appointed, the AIFM must be able to demonstrate that the delegation is to an external valuer that is professionally recognised, can furnish professional guarantees and has been appointed pursuant to the AIFMD delegation provisions.
We, at Jawa Capital, are recognised and duly competent valuation experts to carry out valuation under Alternate Investment Funds Guidelines, 2012 by SEBI